Textile Art in 2028
The 62 Group of Textile Artists inaugural lecture by Jessica Hemmings, Professor of Crafts & Vice-Prefekt of Research at the Academy of Design & Crafts (HDK), University of Gothenburg, Sweden takes place on April 19, 2018 at the Fashion and Textile Museum, Bermondsey, London. Textile Art in 2028, time travels into the future, to consider what textile art may be in a decade's time.
Is current enthusiasm for textile materials in white cube galleries a trend that will help or hinder the profile of textile art? What will our material choices and techniques of today say about the identity of textile art in a decade’s time? Reflecting on the place of textile art today, this lecture attempts to understand where textile art may be heading.
The 62 Group is an artist led organisation which aims to incorporate and challenge the boundaries of textile practice through an ambitious and innovative annual programme of exhibitions and events. Since its establishment in 1962 some of the most highly regarded British & International textile artists have been members of the group.