The Textile Art of Tomorrow

Heritage Meets the Future
conference with NTA (Nordic Textile Art)
hosted by The Icelandic Textile Association
March 30, 2019

The Textile Art of Tomorrow (video)

"Textile designers and artists are in constant flux with their heritage, bringing it into their works and using as an endless source of inspiration. Iceland has a long tradition of working with textiles and we have a unique kind of wool that is the main source of Icelandic textile material. At one time woven cloth was even one of the biggest export of the country. Today, artists and designers in Iceland are working on methods and ways to continue developing textiles in Iceland. Now is a time where it is important to share information, to learn from other countries and discuss our future vision, while discovering new textile technologies. How we see the future in terms of textile art and design in the Nordic countries."

image home page: Hefin Jones Welsh Space Campaign