Cultural Threads: transnational textiles today
Cultural Threads: transnational textiles today (Bloomsbury: 2015) considers contemporary examples of artists and designers who work work at the intersection of multiple cultural influences and use textiles as their vehicle. Edited by Jessica Hemmings, contributors include Julie Ryder, Cecilia Vicuna, Elaine Reichek, Mr Somebody & Mr Nobody (Heidi Chisholm/Sharon Lombard), Vlisco, Damian Skinner, Francoise Dupré, Sarah Rhodes, Sabine Broeck, Christine Checinska and Kevin Murray.
Cultural Threads provided inspiration for Dutch curator Liza Swaving's exhibition of the same name held at the TextielMuseum Tilburg (24 November - 12 May, 2019) and was the topic of a dialogue held at INIVA, London in November 2014 hosted by the Clothes, Cloth and Culture research group led by Christine Checinska. Preparation of the publication was supported in by a Strategic Research Grant (2013) from the Design History Society.
Irish Times mention by Gemma Tipton
Culture File on RTE radio Lyric FM featured a piece on Cultural Threads December 9, 2014: Listen to audio
Adapted excerpts from Cultural Threads are in Selvedge (2014), Crafts (Nov./Dec. 2014, pp. 42-45).
Cultural Threads book review in the Surface Design Journal spring 2015: 64.
excerpt from Christine Checinska's Cultural Threads chapter in Selvedge 2015.