Alpha Crucis

Alpha Crucis – Contemporary African Art
Astrup Fearnley Museet
Oslo, Norway
31 January – 6 September, 2020

Alpha Crucis – Contemporary African Art concludes a series of exhibitions launched in 2005 that have used geography as an organising principle to curate contemporary art. While hardly revolutionary in approach, the challenge with this final exhibition is that where previous instalments such as Brazil (2013-14) or China (2017) represented countries that are culturally complex, none were quite as vast as the continent of Africa. The exhibition’s guest curator André Magnin, a contributor to one of the first art exhibitions credited with disrupting Eurocentric aesthetic values – Magiciens de la Terre at Centre Pompidou and Grande Halle de la Villette in Paris in 1989 – culled for this exhibition seventeen artists from seven countries representing sub-Saharan Africa... 

read full exhibition review in English & French commissioned by Artskop3437

images: Billie ZangewaThe Rebirth of the Black Venus (2010) Gervanne and Matthias Leridon Collection / courtesy of Astrup Fearnley & Amadou Sanogo La douche (2018) © Kleinefenn / courtesy of Astrup Fearnley